Other Staff Appraisals

The department of educator effectiveness provides the support for counselor, classified and non-teaching professional/non-campus-based administrator appraisals.

Staff interested in rubrics and resources related to Counselor, Librarian, Non-Teaching Professional and Classified appraisals  (Must be logged in using your AISD credentials.)


Counselor appraisals focus on five components that are aligned with the Texas Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program and the American School Counseling Association:

  • Guidance Curriculum
  • Individual Planning
  • Responsive Services
  • System Support
  • Professionalism

Classified Staff

Classified appraisals focus on ten performance criteria:

  • Quantity
  • Quality
  • Knowledge of Job and Equipment
  • Utilization of Materials and Equipment
  • Personal Relations/Customer Service
  • Dependability/Reliability
  • Communication
  • Resourcefulness
  • Safety and Security
  • Supervisory/Executive Ability (if applicable)

Library Standards Rubric 

Rubric that covers seven strands:

  • Instructional Effectiveness 
  • Professional Growth and Reflection 
  • Technology 
  • Literacy 
  • Library Administration 
  • Library Management 
  • Climate and Culture

Non-Teaching Professionals or Non-Campus-Based Administrators

Non-teaching professional/non-campus-based administrator appraisals focus on six areas with specific key indicators that represent effectiveness. This appraisal is used for most staff who are not teachers, campus administrators or classified staff, such as instructional coaches/specialists, librarians and central administrators. The six areas of the appraisal are:

  • Planning/Productivity
  • Resource Management
  • Professionalism
  • Professional Growth and Development
  • Communication
  • Organizational Morale and Improvement