Standard Application Form - Campus Advisory Bodies (CACs)

Your Primary Residence

The following CAC membership criteria apply:

  1. Parents must live within the district, and must be a custodial parent or guardian of a student currently enrolled in the school indicated above.
    • AISD employees can be on a school committee as long as the employee is not serving as the parent representative.
      1. An AISD employee can serve as a teacher representative and/or PTA president.
      2. An AISD employee cannot serve as a parent representative / Co-Chair non-staff member.
    • Community members must live within the district. Community Members may not also be parents or AISD employees, and must be at least 18 years of age.
    • Business representatives needs not live or work within the district. Business representatives may also be parents.

AISD recognizes and supports the concept of balanced representation in regard to filling vacancies on district advisory bodies. To this end, every effort is made to appoint members who represent the diversity of our community.

Please provide the following information about yourself:

Please acknowledge that you understand each of the following:

Note: A vacancy may not currently exist on the Campus Advisory Committee you indicated, but this application will be kept on file for two years. Please note that submitting an application does not guarantee selection for service, but the application will be considered.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Governance and Board Services, at