Standard Application Form for Service on District Advisory Bodies This application form relates to service on district advisory bodies. Please contact a campus if you are interested in serving on a campus advisory body or in a campus organization. Your Name Your Primary Residence Address City Zip Code Is the above residence within the boundaries of AISD (Please select one of the following): Yes No Not Sure Preferred Email Address Preferred Daytime Telephone Number The following criteria apply to certain membership categories: Parents must be a custodial parent or guardian of a student currently enrolled in a district school. Parents may not also be AISD employees. Community members must live within the district. Community members may not also be parents or AISD employees. Business representatives need not live or work within the district. Business representatives may also be parents. Age Verification (not required for current AISD students) I am at least 18 years of age Based on the above criteria, please select ANY of the following that pertain to you: I am the parent or guardian of a student currently enrolled in an AISD school If so, please identify the school(s): If you indicated above that you are a parent, please check any of the following that apply to you: I am a parent of an English Language Learner I am a parent of a student receiving Special Education services I am a student currently enrolled in an AISD school If so, please identify the school: I am currently an employee of AISD If so, please identify your title and location: I am a business representative who is interested in AISD If so, please identify your business: I am none of the above, but I am a community member who is interested in AISD Please identify any current or previous service on an AISD advisory body, in AISD UpClose, on an AISD campus advisory body, or in an AISD campus organization Please identify any current or previous service or membership in other community groups or organizations Please select ANY of the following AISD advisory bodies on which you would like to serve Standing Advisory Bodies (Standing advisory bodies meet permanently on a regular basis.) Advocacy Advisory Committee (AAC) Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee (CTEAC) Community Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) District Advisory Council (DAC) Equity Advisory Committee (EAC) Environmental Stewardship Advisory Committee (ESAC) Head Start Policy Council (HSPC) Multilingual Education Advisory Committee (MEAC) School Safety and Security Committee (SSSC) School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Special Education Family Advisory Commitee (SEFAC) Note that SHAC members are required to be on a subcommittee. Please check ANY of the following SHAC subcommittees areas in which you are interested Family/Community Involvement Nutrition Services Physical Education Health Education Social Services/Emotional Wellness Health Services Safe and Healthy School Environment Staff Wellness Ad Hoc/Periodic Advisory Bodies (Ad hoc advisory bodies are formed for a particular purpose and meet for a limited time, and are discontinued when their work is completed. Periodic Advisory bodies also formed for a particular purpose, but on a recurring basis as needed.) Other other AISD recognizes and supports the concept of balanced representation in regard to filling vacancies on district advisory bodies. To this end, every effort is made to appoint members who represent the diversity of our community. Please provide the following information about yourself: Gender: Ethnicity: Anything else you would like to tell us about yourself: Please briefly describe why you are interested in serving on the AISD advisory body or bodies you identified Note: A vacancy may not currently exist on the advisory body or advisory bodies you indicated, but this application will be kept on file for two years. If after that time you are still interested in serving on an AISD advisory body, please resubmit your application. Please note that submitting an application does not guarantee selection for service, but the application will be considered. Please note that information provided on this form is subject to Open Records requests, and may be used in district reports related to advisory bodies. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact the Governmental Relations & Board Services, at Submit Reset