00:57:58 Speaker 1: Yeah, yeah. 00:58:07 Speaker 1: Right. 00:58:16 Speaker 1: Now we all have our own users whatever level. 00:58:31 Speaker 1: So all of that is counselor. 00:58:36 Speaker 1: This is this is. 00:59:11 Speaker 1: So I'm sorry. 00:59:16 Speaker 2: So we have. 00:59:17 Speaker 1: 9 priorities that have been that have been put forth by these Members. 00:59:22 Speaker 1: Put it on. 00:59:28 Speaker 1: The first question is. 00:59:29 Speaker 1: How many priorities? 00:59:30 Speaker 1: Do you want to have two? 00:59:32 Speaker 1: Two recommended, but I I think it's up to this body to decide what how many we work on. 00:59:39 Speaker 1: Or could you guys work on next year 3 two now. 00:59:42 Speaker 1: So we have a motion that we want to. 00:59:53 Speaker 1: Priority to you all as far as I don't think. 00:59:58 Speaker 1: I understand that. 00:59:59 Speaker 1: So the two recommendations that for one or other. 01:00:02 Speaker 1: And this one. 01:00:04 Speaker 1: For the board. 01:00:06 Speaker 1: So that's one thing that will. 01:00:09 Speaker 1: And that will be part of our annual report. 01:00:12 Speaker 1: So priority getting on there. 01:00:12 Speaker 1: So I don't want to limit. 01:00:19 Speaker 1: You on your. 01:00:20 Speaker 1: It's work for them to do versus work that we're doing at this level. 01:00:23 Speaker 1: The board wants to see, first and foremost has one or two that right above that you want them to go out the right to focus on, but they'll understand your priorities for next year or you know, they're looking at bargains. 01:00:38 Speaker 1: You don't have. 01:00:39 Speaker 1: To limit that, I mean I would make. 01:00:41 Speaker 1: A new point, right? 01:00:42 Speaker 1: Let me ask. 01:00:42 Speaker 1: This question because we are rolling out this chair, so should. 01:00:46 Speaker 1: Tonight we just focus on. 01:00:47 Speaker 1: The two priorities we want to update our board to work on and allow. 01:00:52 Speaker 1: The new coach. 01:00:53 Speaker 1: Because I think. 01:01:03 Speaker 1: You know yes or no or whatever, but I think it's the most important thing is what you all want to be aware. 01:01:12 Speaker 1: I think that is the preference of our. 01:01:18 Speaker 1: Tonight we want to just vote on what our board priorities are of these nine or are there other things that? 01:01:25 Speaker 1: We should list. 01:01:27 Speaker 1: For them to consider and the shacks priorities with you, I was looking at majority of our. 01:01:43 Speaker 1: So I. 01:01:52 Speaker 1: I think the summer. 01:01:53 Speaker 1: Of focus has to be of our I think we should include it on our on our report. 01:01:58 Speaker 1: For them to identify. 01:01:59 Speaker 1: Two members, because I think I kind of and. 01:02:04 I think you can. 01:02:11 Speaker 1: Something happened. 01:02:19 Speaker 1: Remind me what our priorities were for this year? 01:02:22 Speaker 1: That we sent. 01:02:37 Speaker 1: When we, I think we wrote, remember, but we did not vote on it. 01:02:53 Speaker 1: It was written in the summer. 01:02:57 Speaker 1: OK. 01:03:00 Speaker 1: Report so the board knows that. 01:03:05 Speaker 1: I would say tonight is important. 01:03:16 Speaker 1: So I think that was more important for them to see the work be done. 01:03:21 Speaker 1: I don't want to be a priority priorities on our. 01:03:29 Speaker 1: Well, and I was just gonna take mine off because I I feel certain that it's it's like that one. 01:03:39 Speaker 1: No, not the world. 01:03:46 Speaker 1: Well, again, the Wellness policy, if we think that that's. 01:03:49 Speaker 1: OK. 01:03:57 Speaker 1: You think? 01:03:58 Speaker 1: Well, it's probably it's probably it's going to get done. 01:04:00 Speaker 1: That's something that's going to work on. 01:04:02 Speaker 1: I don't know if necessarily. 01:04:05 Speaker 3: Make better priority. 01:04:11 Speaker 1: Chuck Wilson needs to change or. 01:04:17 Speaker 1: So I was going to share it. 01:04:27 Speaker 1: They included supporting. 01:04:28 Speaker 1: Efforts to address mental health of the students and staff, including supporting improved and increased care. 01:04:35 Speaker 1: Learning and monitoring efforts to ensure the safety of all students, faculty and staff increased violence. 01:04:42 Speaker 1: Supporting district efforts to address the fentanyl epidemic and supporting ways to educate the. 01:04:47 Speaker 1: Forum and to provide information for. 01:04:48 Speaker 1: Parents and staff. 01:04:50 Speaker 1: For learning and contributing inputs to nursing staffing temperatures, 5 monitoring and raising awareness of concerns regarding physical education issues on campus. 01:05:00 Speaker 1: To be really proud of, because I'm so excited and hopefully we'll have it for you. 01:05:10 Speaker 1: We did that with that. 01:05:13 Speaker 1: Understanding and responding to a request for input on hot weather. 01:05:19 Speaker 1: Contributing to efforts to ensure safe and clean water access for all students, water stations for young. 01:05:24 Speaker 1: Bottles that we do not. 01:05:25 Speaker 1: Do that and contributing to. 01:05:27 Speaker 1: Efforts aimed at closing the home equity gap for. 01:05:29 Speaker 1: All students. 01:05:32 Speaker 1: Contributing input to district safety initiatives to provide emergency services in times of natural disasters, active shooters or other unseen emergencies. 01:05:42 Speaker 1: Working with the districts in their efforts to facilitate and improve communication with community decisions regarding policy or changes in policies and medical requirements, including but not. 01:05:55 Speaker 1: Facilitating staff member engagement in education on the component boarding school calls by inviting them to present updated chat chatting. 01:06:04 Speaker 1: And just for awareness, there was a lot of there was not clarity this year of whether we could do with our intent. 01:06:15 Speaker 1: But since we have been informed we can we can create those. 01:06:25 Speaker 1: So now we have the direction that we can't do that. 01:06:28 Speaker 1: So for the next year. 01:06:32 Speaker 1: Working with the district and board of trustees to ensure full roster staff members. 01:06:37 Speaker 1: Obtaining staff membership and thank you everybody joined, obtaining staff member input to the goals for the upcoming year and creating and providing. 01:06:45 Speaker 3: An orientation information. 01:06:48 Speaker 1: That's a really good list, I mean. 01:06:50 Speaker 1: A lot of. 01:06:51 Speaker 1: Work on that list. 01:06:51 Speaker 1: But I mean, I think that things are great. 01:06:58 Speaker 1: I know. 01:06:59 Speaker 1: We can carry them forward and we can maybe prioritize this year. 01:07:05 Speaker 1: Some of the things. 01:07:05 Speaker 1: That didn't get. 01:07:06 Speaker 3: Accomplished last year, I mean. 01:07:07 Speaker 1: The water item I I believe. 01:07:13 Speaker 1: Well, it's a huge issue, which is why we don't have gardens, no. 01:07:16 Speaker 1: Longer, can't longer. 01:07:17 Speaker 1: Right. 01:07:17 Speaker 1: We can't. 01:07:18 Speaker 1: We can't water tomatoes if we're not watering. 01:07:26 Speaker 1: Like they're not hydrating. 01:07:31 Speaker 1: You don't have access. 01:07:32 Speaker 1: To water, it needs to be cleaned, right? 01:07:36 Speaker 1: Clean water. 01:07:39 Speaker 1: OK, update. 01:07:41 Speaker 1: I think it's a great list with the. 01:07:44 Speaker 1: And there's like, just like, really the priority? 01:07:47 Speaker 1: I mean I'm I'm using the word security. 01:07:55 Speaker 1: I don't want to. 01:08:08 Speaker 1: Social, emotional learning and mental health awareness and. 01:08:13 Speaker 1: When we were talking about this. 01:08:15 Speaker 1: And when we were talking about. 01:08:20 Speaker 1: What's standing out at like this Facebook post? 01:08:23 Speaker 1: Right? 01:08:24 Speaker 1: So, like clearly unsafe situations where they may be mental health issues. 01:08:30 Speaker 1: There may be drug issues. 01:08:32 Speaker 1: There's so many. 01:08:33 Speaker 1: I mean, I feel like it's all categories, to be honest. 01:08:36 Speaker 1: Like, so I can't. 01:08:38 Speaker 1: Just say like. 01:08:39 Speaker 1: Everything is our priority, but so I know we need to listen now where it was going with that is like the disciplinary issues that were brought up in the security and safety issues. 01:08:50 Speaker 1: I think that has to be like really top leadership passed away focused on that. 01:08:56 Speaker 1: I mean, that's number one, that's like kids for therapy. 01:09:01 Speaker 1: We can't do any therapy until we. 01:09:04 Speaker 1: Know that they're not. 01:09:08 Speaker 1: So they always. 01:09:10 Speaker 1: It's like. 01:09:12 Speaker 1: When my children. 01:09:13 Speaker 1: To my house and got the outlet. 01:09:15 Speaker 1: Plugs that literally. 01:09:17 Speaker 1: On them like. 01:09:32 Speaker 1: I'm a little confused and feel a little rushed. 01:09:35 Speaker 1: Offer that we pick up one or two for the board and then also figuring out what those were. 01:09:44 Speaker 1: For the shot, for shot and. 01:09:46 Speaker 1: Then like that is certainly. 01:09:50 Speaker 1: So do we have a motion? 01:09:53 Speaker 1: To maybe focus on the support priorities. 01:10:04 Speaker 2: Did you get that? 01:10:04 Speaker 1: Every year I don't feel like we're seeing the diversity here and we put that recommendation for them that when they are whatever they're thinking. 01:10:24 Speaker 1: I mean, are we really? 01:10:26 Speaker 1: Turned away that. 01:10:28 Speaker 1: We're not. 01:10:28 Speaker 1: It's something I think not. 01:10:30 Speaker 2: Not never aware of it. 01:10:30 Speaker 1: Think our partners. 01:10:31 Speaker 1: How do we get? 01:10:33 Speaker 1: The community to know, and I think we need. 01:10:35 Speaker 1: To promote that on campus and like. 01:10:39 Speaker 1: I don't know you. 01:10:40 Speaker 1: All know. 01:10:48 Speaker 1: Back to school. 01:10:49 Speaker 1: Back like I keep getting up before I go to school. 01:10:52 Speaker 1: Need to let him know what we do is like. 01:10:56 Speaker 1: But the board, you know that they released and so we knew when they hit. 01:11:05 Speaker 1: Apartment and turn anybody down. 01:11:07 Speaker 1: But we would also like them to go out to different to see who wants to be. 01:11:22 Speaker 1: We tried to for a while, take the shack on the road. 01:11:25 Speaker 1: Would actually schools around the district so that there was more accessibility for people to show up because. 01:11:34 Speaker 1: You know 15 minutes late and I have a lot of. 01:11:38 Speaker 1: It's hard to get across. 01:11:46 Speaker 1: Nobody knows what this is. 01:11:48 Speaker 1: Nobody knows what this committee and nobody knows. 01:11:51 Speaker 1: If they know something about it, that's what they know. 01:11:55 Speaker 1: Oh my God, that's what they know. You know, so that we can change the money. I sent out 120 emails on Saturday. 01:12:08 Speaker 1: We can send emails to every single campus principle with outsider about tracking what we do to then relate to everybody, can hear about that and. 01:12:22 Speaker 1: We can spend whatever we want to spend around that. 01:12:25 Speaker 1: Here is what we really need to do and here's what time we can do it. 01:12:29 Speaker 1: There's ways to do that to get more applications. 01:12:33 Speaker 1: Coming in and then. 01:12:35 Speaker 1: So I really want to ask, do we have approximately? 01:12:39 Speaker 1: Because last year we had a number of people. 01:12:43 Speaker 1: Apply their applications were locked, they were never found. 01:12:47 Speaker 1: So I think if we're going to. 01:12:50 Speaker 1: Spread the word and increase interest. 01:12:52 Speaker 1: And we have, yeah, we. 01:12:54 Speaker 1: There are several things that are on our list. 01:12:58 Speaker 1: To really get in place. 01:13:01 Speaker 1: Moving forward and I think we have. 01:13:04 Speaker 1: OK. 01:13:18 Speaker 1: So but I do think we you so I'm going. 01:13:22 Speaker 1: To go back. 01:13:22 Speaker 1: To the question of what, what do we? 01:13:24 Speaker 1: Want to vote on tonight? 01:13:25 Speaker 1: Just be mindful of. 01:13:27 Speaker 1: We want to vote for the board priorities that are going to go into our report or next year priority, knowing that with chairs and I never heard a second. 01:13:47 Speaker 1: Can we just restate before the board priorities are what are, what are the shape? 01:13:54 Speaker 1: Recommendation or request that the board had nothing to do with our work and I think our work we can. 01:14:03 Speaker 1: Think about it. I don't. 01:14:03 Speaker 1: Want to but it doesn't have to be a subset of our work or a super, and it can be a totally totally separate. 01:14:09 Speaker 1: Different sets of priorities, but I mean generally what we have worked on and we want through the board. 01:14:19 Speaker 1: Like I said and and the doctor, the point I think you could copy and paste and give some and just bring it back to the next. 01:14:30 Speaker 1: I don't think it's a big deal that that we can take those. 01:14:39 Speaker 1: They'll be valid for the next. 01:14:42 Speaker 1: I like when we talked about last year, not more, but I mean I think those are more. 01:14:48 Speaker 1: So how about I take? 01:14:51 Speaker 1: What was in the letter to all of us? 01:14:53 Speaker 1: Is there any? 01:14:58 Speaker 1: Want to have a discussion? 01:14:59 Speaker 1: Did we decide to? 01:15:00 Speaker 1: Get first and. 01:15:01 Speaker 1: 2nd so we now I vote on that. 01:15:05 Speaker 1: Who wants to? 01:15:06 Speaker 1: Have a motion that. 01:15:07 Speaker 1: Second, to just focus on the two board, all in favor. 01:15:13 Speaker 1: So now let's talk. 01:15:14 Speaker 1: About whether we could violate that. 01:15:19 Speaker 1: Thank you for clarifying the safety too. 01:15:23 Speaker 1: Can you read? 01:15:25 Speaker 1: Can you read the? 01:15:26 Speaker 1: The garbage of what we said about. 01:15:28 Speaker 1: It last year. 01:15:29 Speaker 1: Or just safety. 01:15:31 Speaker 1: There's learning and monitoring efforts to ensure the safety of students, faculty and staff, and they have increased schools. 01:15:49 Speaker 1: Oh, contributing input to district safety emissions to provide our merchant. 01:15:53 Speaker 1: Services in times of natural disaster. 01:16:01 Speaker 1: But the second thing on the list is learning and monitoring efforts to ensure the safety of students. 01:16:08 Speaker 1: In the gun. 01:16:11 Speaker 1: I mean, oh, I'm sorry. 01:16:12 Speaker 1: The very first point is supporting the District's efforts to address. 01:16:16 Speaker 1: The mental health of students and staff and students and staff. 01:16:19 Speaker 1: Including supporting improved increased access here. 01:16:24 Speaker 1: That seems like #1, so that is the the fleet of people standing in the space, making sure that everybody's. 01:16:32 Speaker 1: Here is not on fire also be there. 01:16:49 Speaker 2: The mental health. 01:16:50 Speaker 1: Supporting the districts efforts to address the mental health of students and staff made the recommendation about. 01:17:12 Speaker 1: So that would be the Third Point if we're talking about this Third Point specifically, but. 01:17:26 Speaker 1: Right. 01:17:28 Speaker 1: Tell me which level of school you're in. 01:17:30 Speaker 1: Are you in the school? 01:17:31 Speaker 1: I'm sort of like 4 year old. 01:17:35 Speaker 1: OK, so let's just talk for a second. 01:17:37 Speaker 1: We have a. 01:17:39 Speaker 1: Middle school or high school situation, where everything is upside down. 01:17:44 Speaker 1: What is the? 01:17:49 Speaker 1: Reaction to that? 01:17:50 Speaker 1: It's SRO's that are coming in that are. 01:17:53 Speaker 1: Flooding the space and trying to isolate. 01:17:56 Speaker 1: The situation so. 01:17:59 Speaker 1: How do we do that better? 01:18:07 Speaker 1: That addresses. 01:18:21 Speaker 1: It's kind of like the mobile teams for the homeless. 01:18:24 Speaker 1: You have, you have an SRO kind of person to think. 01:18:26 Speaker 1: You have a nurse. 01:18:43 Speaker 2: Like those are available. 01:18:49 Speaker 1: To my point, before when we're talking. 01:18:51 Speaker 1: Just saying that like I. 01:18:51 Speaker 1: Feel like does the district really know? 01:18:54 Speaker 1: All the things that it has happened to right the local prices teach that communities and schools. 01:19:01 Speaker 1: I mean, yeah. 01:19:04 Speaker 1: Thank you. 01:19:05 Speaker 1: You know. 01:19:05 Speaker 1: Thank you very much. 01:19:09 Speaker 1: And then there's a model. 01:19:33 Speaker 1: I don't think it's in the schools, but. 01:19:34 Speaker 1: I think the. 01:19:34 Speaker 1: Mobile team is that sort of group approach that comes in that has a multifactoral group? 01:19:41 Speaker 1: But it's, I mean, four or five. 01:19:42 Speaker 1: People you know. 01:19:43 Speaker 1: But they have a lot of different. 01:19:45 Speaker 1: Space covered in that group. 01:19:48 Speaker 1: But maybe it is like that. 01:19:54 Speaker 1: And so how? 01:20:05 Speaker 1: Or you know. 01:20:07 Speaker 1: As our social evidence nursing. 01:20:23 Speaker 1: Because I think. 01:20:24 Speaker 1: I think it's wonderful comprehensive school safety policy. 01:20:37 Speaker 1: Because so much so many times. 01:20:48 Speaker 1: I'm sorry. 01:21:05 Speaker 1: And they have a language that they're speaking with people at school about this, but then they're going home and their parents, they have a visibility into that and don't know. 01:21:17 Speaker 1: Either the language or the resources are there. 01:21:19 Speaker 1: OK. 01:21:33 Speaker 1: I think when I think about that, it's not just parents but involved. 01:21:40 Speaker 1: And I think you know again we're asking. 01:21:53 Speaker 1: I think we really needed to find that comprehending because I think like it's really thorough, like so comprehensive in your sense, the conversations that they're having at school. 01:22:09 Speaker 1: Out of place. 01:22:12 Speaker 1: So our language doesn't have to be right because this is going to go into our report. 01:22:18 Speaker 1: So we say. 01:22:19 Speaker 1: So what I've heard so far. 01:22:39 Speaker 1: So I heard those two other suggestions. 01:22:42 Speaker 1: And I heard you're worried about. 01:22:43 Speaker 1: You know, implementing a policy to just. 01:22:45 Speaker 1: Make these things done. 01:22:47 Speaker 1: I'm concerned that if we pass the policy that it will get buried in the policy writing purchase implementation actually work. 01:23:03 Speaker 1: So we want to make sure we. 01:23:05 Speaker 1: Action to be taken by the escalate. 01:23:19 Speaker 1: Better than getting. 01:23:23 Speaker 2: Legal and they do all. 01:23:25 Speaker 1: I don't think it's we want to, but. 01:23:28 Speaker 1: I don't know. 01:23:31 Speaker 1: Engagement team. You know, whatever. 01:23:36 Speaker 1: About that. 01:23:38 Speaker 1: I don't. Yeah. 01:23:43 Speaker 1: I think she's saying, though. 01:23:44 Speaker 1: That we don't need the policy we. 01:23:45 Speaker 1: Just need them to. 01:23:52 Speaker 1: Right. 01:23:53 Speaker 1: They're going to check the box, not. 01:23:57 Speaker 1: Action to be taken tomorrow. 01:23:59 Speaker 1: Put these people together. 01:24:01 Speaker 1: Like addressing. 01:24:07 Speaker 1: I think the real world further than getting this team. 01:24:14 Speaker 1: Most beneficially be a social worker, that is. 01:24:21 Speaker 2: No, I'm just wondering if we're. 01:24:22 Speaker 1: All thinking the same. 01:24:24 Speaker 1: I mean, I know what my little. 01:24:27 Speaker 1: So it's probably like you know what we're talking about right now where he comes, but also we have you know something that. 01:24:40 Speaker 1: But I think if they heard enough from every group, they might written. 01:24:47 Speaker 1: Part of that is like. 01:25:00 Speaker 1: Because, like our social worker, is funded not by ID at our schools, so there are additional resources. 01:25:12 Speaker 1: Sorry, taking and discipline by implementing a comprehensive specific action plan. 01:25:25 Speaker 1: I'm just worried that if we have a. 01:25:26 Speaker 1: Plan a policy. 01:25:27 Speaker 1: Or a written document or something that it would get varied. 01:25:47 Speaker 1: OK. 01:25:51 Speaker 1: I'm sorry we talked about. 01:25:57 Speaker 1: Well, no. So we've done the safety school ones and now the mental health. Yeah. So now #2 like we'll massage it a little bit more. 01:26:10 Speaker 1: You're seeing school safety and discipline by implementing and comprehensive specific action. 01:26:21 Speaker 1: That means the same thing to the reader. 01:26:27 Speaker 1: I would love to know what they think that's you know. 01:26:30 Speaker 1: Yeah, I don't know what options we have like in terms of presenting it verbally. 01:26:38 Speaker 1: I haven't like. 01:26:44 Speaker 1: For public comment. 01:26:51 You know. 01:26:59 Speaker 1: Good morning. 01:27:00 Speaker 1: And we show up the shack numbers or we. 01:27:02 Speaker 1: Show those. 01:27:03 Speaker 1: You can show them you're a member of the public at that point, but I would say the Member. 01:27:09 Speaker 1: You know, and everybody has the recipe, but that makes it better with them than say you guys. 01:27:19 Speaker 1: I mean that. 01:27:22 Speaker 1: You know, there's a lot. 01:27:23 Speaker 1: They they weren't here for this discussion, so. 01:27:26 Speaker 1: So maybe we need to define exactly. 01:27:28 Speaker 1: What we mean by? 01:27:29 Speaker 1: We put it in parentheses and for example for example. 01:27:34 Speaker 1: Specific teachers and administrators that would design. 01:27:40 Speaker 1: A response to each. 01:27:52 Speaker 1: We need something that sounds like restorative response to each disciplinary action. 01:27:58 Speaker 1: Because the the. 01:27:59 Speaker 1: Act that, like I said, the discipline policies in place. 01:28:01 Speaker 1: So it's not like we. 01:28:02 Speaker 1: That task force is going to change what happens. 01:28:04 Speaker 1: To the student who. 01:28:06 Speaker 1: And hot with the feeding the walls. 01:28:08 Speaker 1: You want to see. 01:28:12 Speaker 1: You know that would be something that's gonna fit into the work we're already doing and they hear from the parents and you all that I want that this is what we want to do. 01:28:22 Speaker 1: Real world things need to see them, for I think the way the board thinks that's what they want to hear. 01:28:30 Speaker 1: Not like this. 01:28:31 Speaker 1: This policy like. 01:28:32 Speaker 1: They're going to not bring them silent. 01:28:34 Speaker 1: Yeah, because for example I want to see like that kid. 01:28:37 Speaker 1: This Roach I want to kill the teacher on the bathroom. 01:28:40 Speaker 1: Call doesn't just get a three day suspension and allowed back to school. 01:28:43 Speaker 1: I want that social worker reach out to the. 01:28:45 Speaker 1: Family and find. 01:28:46 Speaker 1: Out what's going on at home and figure out if this kid needs mental access to mental health services, or if the parent needs access to mental health services. 01:28:54 Speaker 1: So if there's an economic. 01:28:56 Speaker 1: Situation at the House that's stressing the kid out, you know, I mean, all those things and that. 01:29:02 Speaker 1: I mean, maybe that's something like that already exists on most campuses. 01:29:12 Speaker 1: So it'll come back down to having that they're not response. 01:29:16 Speaker 1: I mean again once the. 01:29:20 Speaker 1: These things to happen on a campus, we want what happened next to be different. 01:29:25 Speaker 1: We want the Sr. 01:29:26 Speaker 1: response to change with the change. 01:29:29 Speaker 1: We want this task force to engage as the mobile team see, it's just different. 01:29:34 Speaker 1: It's a totally different approach than what's currently happening. 01:29:38 Speaker 1: Saying that in the priorities. 01:29:57 Speaker 1: I'm happy to. 01:29:58 Speaker 1: Talk to you. 01:29:58 Speaker 2: More about that. 01:30:07 Speaker 1: OK. 01:30:11 Speaker 1: I think I mean. 01:30:12 Speaker 1: I just think that every campus is different. 01:30:27 Speaker 1: Ohh elaborate. 01:30:38 Speaker 1: Collaborate on a comprehensive multidisciplinary. 01:30:51 Speaker 1: Next, next week. 01:31:05 Speaker 1: I don't like carrying my cell phone number. 01:31:08 Speaker 1: I think that's so great. 01:31:11 Speaker 1: This playing field is changing every day and if the legislature approves, that's a whole other layer. 01:31:19 Speaker 1: OK. 01:31:22 Speaker 1: Where those are the priorities are reported, not lots, so this is the priorities for the board. 01:31:27 Speaker 1: Like board we want. 01:31:28 Speaker 2: Right. 01:31:28 Speaker 1: You to focus. 01:31:29 Speaker 1: On that next year for the staff, I think we're going to just for that till next year because we. 01:31:36 Speaker 1: Will we will not be. 01:31:44 Speaker 1: Right. 01:31:45 Speaker 1: But then we'll continue to work on. 01:31:46 Speaker 1: This thing to be able to for the. 01:31:48 Speaker 1: At the shack. 01:31:51 Speaker 1: But we've not put a motion. 01:31:53 Speaker 1: Yet that these are. 01:31:54 Speaker 1: The two. 01:31:54 Speaker 1: So if you would like. 01:31:57 Speaker 1: I mean, I think it would be good. 01:31:58 Speaker 1: Because one initiative that focuses on the. 01:32:08 Speaker 1: Check boxes. 01:32:38 Speaker 1: I think there's like. 01:33:20 That's why. 01:33:29 Speaker 1: I would love. 01:33:30 Speaker 1: I felt so bad that I wasn't here for the presentation and thank you for bringing that when you were talking about the four, six though, it really seemed like coordinated school. 01:33:39 Speaker 1: So maybe in. 01:33:40 Speaker 1: Our before we say people, we are happy to work with you to get for this support initiatives that reflect the importance of supporting the school health for that. 01:33:48 Speaker 1: The child and. 01:33:49 Speaker 1: Then, giving the specific initiative till next year, because I think even just talking, I think it would be up to the body to decide which of the issue is. 01:33:58 Speaker 1: But I think there's a lot of. 01:34:00 Speaker 1: Fun foundational questions, thoughts, ability for implemented in schools that we have. 01:34:10 Speaker 3: But I I love. 01:34:11 Speaker 3: That, I mean, I'm happy to put. 01:34:13 Speaker 1: Statements in in our report to them that we need and we decided to work with them on initiatives to promote coordinating to address the whole child. 01:34:44 Speaker 1: You know the. 01:35:03 Speaker 3: Right. 01:35:07 Speaker 1: Make a friendship, you know. 01:35:19 Speaker 1: And mental health, physical health. 01:35:24 Speaker 1: So even if it's not like a one and two. 01:35:44 Speaker 1: Yeah, it is. 01:35:53 Speaker 1: So I feel like that requirement provide specific strategies. 01:36:02 Speaker 1: The nutritional and how that impacts, yeah. 01:36:18 Speaker 1: Yeah, very fast. 01:36:36 Speaker 1: To just make sure that we're good with the child. 01:36:42 Speaker 1: So now. 01:36:44 Speaker 1: Child carbon. 01:36:50 Speaker 1: So I feel like specifically even just telling. 01:36:54 Speaker 1: The word that we want. 01:37:18 Speaker 1: And we have. 01:37:20 Speaker 1: Or just. 01:37:21 Speaker 1: I just think I just think I just think it's statewide, it's at risk. 01:37:25 Speaker 1: But I mean we have a nervous putting that at risk maybe. 01:37:29 Speaker 1: It it's almost become this like dirty thing around some person. 01:37:33 Speaker 1: I just feel like it was sex bed and now it's just that's what they are coming after. 01:37:41 Speaker 1: Or just or say our support for it. 01:37:44 Speaker 1: Our support, our continued support for SDF, I've just. 01:37:46 Speaker 1: So not that it's priority to make sure in the letter, yeah. 01:37:51 Speaker 1: I just feel like it's slippery. 01:38:01 Speaker 1: Hierarchy of. 01:38:05 Speaker 1: So we're starting with. 01:38:11 Speaker 1: Nutrition, housing. 01:38:13 Speaker 1: You know, all of the things that. 01:38:36 Speaker 1: But you know we don't. 01:38:57 Speaker 1: But specifically our. 01:39:00 Speaker 1: Our recommendation is to give a word, engage regular school safety and discipline by implementing. 01:39:12 Speaker 1: Specific Action task force. 01:39:18 Speaker 1: And then #2. 01:39:21 Speaker 1: The drilling the check to. 01:39:24 Speaker 1: To implement a comprehensive and collaborative and multi multi. 01:39:32 Speaker 1: Grow and restore the. 01:39:53 Speaker 1: Right. 01:39:56 Speaker 2: I don't even know where we. 01:39:57 Speaker 1: Need to go out to discover and English support. 01:40:05 Speaker 2: But and I don't, it's probably not. 01:40:09 Speaker 2: Something to put into. 01:40:10 Speaker 1: The statement but just I know there's places on efforts where this is working well and how do we use this? 01:40:17 Speaker 1: Every campus is its own world but. 01:40:20 Speaker 1: What are they doing on those campuses? 01:40:34 Speaker 1: And I didn't pray for him for a second someone. 01:40:38 Speaker 1: And they have their discipline. 01:40:48 Speaker 1: I think. 01:40:53 Speaker 1: I understand what you're saying. 01:41:07 Speaker 2: That's going to be fire. 01:41:12 Speaker 1: Do I have a motion to put those two comments in those two priorities? 01:41:23 Speaker 1: And any other. 01:41:30 Speaker 1: OK. 01:41:36 Speaker 1: OK, awesome. 01:41:37 Speaker 1: So we have our priority. 01:41:44 Speaker 1: I think we have two more things from Disney. 01:41:56 Speaker 1: So thank you so much for the opportunity to work. 01:42:02 Speaker 1: Oh my God. 01:42:06 Speaker 1: But it's time for us. 01:42:08 Speaker 1: And we have a couple, you know and again I think it's up to the board, but I know we've had lots of great nominees for fairs for next year. 01:42:17 Speaker 1: We did have some different those opportunities, but specifically Madison, who our students has. 01:42:27 Speaker 1: Expressed interest she cannot be. 01:42:29 Speaker 1: She can be a Co chair. 01:42:32 Speaker 1: I'm sorry they are. 01:42:36 Speaker 2: I'm really excited about that. 01:42:37 Speaker 1: And she said this. 01:42:38 Speaker 2: But she's not doing it. 01:42:40 Speaker 1: But just wanted us there. 01:42:43 Speaker 1: Let me just pull that up. 01:42:48 Speaker 1: Next year is the senior year so that you all are aware we don't select the next year the board. 01:42:53 Speaker 2: Right. 01:43:03 Speaker 1: So as a four year old. 01:43:12 Speaker 1: 4 year old student I participated in my first and many marathon kids learn to catch events well time and spent many weekends in service. 01:43:22 Speaker 1: They were working in the gardens. 01:43:23 Speaker 1: At my school. 01:43:24 Speaker 1: Over the years, I've written grants and helped start projects at various elementary schools to improve such things with urban orchards, butterfly conservation gardens. 01:43:32 Speaker 1: Native birds and species habitat. 01:43:35 Speaker 1: Rain gardens and other projects I have been committed to improving student health for many years and we've been excited to serve as student representative on the shack and learn more about the decision making properties. 01:43:47 Speaker 1: I would be honored and selected as Co chair to continue the progression of development according to corporate. 01:43:56 Speaker 1: And then. 01:43:59 Speaker 1: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I. 01:44:07 Speaker 1: Professional life. 01:44:46 Speaker 1: Whatever is possible that you would think. 01:44:54 Speaker 1: In my line of work, people often ask. 01:45:10 Speaker 1: That's why. 01:46:07 Speaker 1: I realize. 01:49:16 Speaker 1: So I. 01:50:00 Speaker 1: So in our report, we will internally interest. 01:50:05 Speaker 2: Amongst our Members for. 01:50:08 Speaker 1: The Co chair positions that will let support you. 01:50:13 Speaker 1: Thank you. 01:50:16 Speaker 2: We have finally got the TV to work, so we are going to show you an opportunity that is with ASAP. 01:50:21 Speaker 2: We've done a letter with them before. 01:50:23 Speaker 2: They want to let us know and other opportunities to go ahead and play and hopefully everything will go well. 01:50:34 Speaker 3: To be able to be with you in person tonight. 01:50:36 Speaker 3: I know this is a very poor substitute for actually getting to track with you and talk to you all about this proposed letter. 01:50:43 Speaker 3: My name is. 01:50:44 Speaker 3: Ilene McGinnis and I'm never at the environmental to reach the Advisory Committee for the District, and I'm also the mom to a second grader at which. 01:50:55 Speaker 3: So as many of you know already, the Texas Department of Transportation is planning to widen 35 through 麻豆果冻传媒 to 20 lanes with construction on the central section essentially beginning as early as mid 2024 and just took about 6 to 10 years. 01:51:15 Speaker 3: There are over 80 daycares and schools. 01:51:19 Speaker 3: Within 1/3. 01:51:19 Speaker 3: Of a mile of liberty my quarter. 01:51:22 Speaker 3: A dozen of those. 01:51:23 Speaker 3: Are 麻豆果冻传媒 campuses, including seven elementary school and including my school? 01:51:29 Speaker 3: Country on the esac. 01:51:32 Speaker 3: We're really concerned about the air quality and respiratory health impacts both of the construction process as well as the expanded highway. 01:51:43 Speaker 3: We thought this would be a great opportunity to. 01:51:44 Speaker 3: Partner again with the shack. 01:51:46 Speaker 3: As we did a couple of years ago with the letter right now for learning. 01:51:50 Speaker 2: Because increased traffic emissions. 01:51:53 Speaker 3: Years of construction, free and worsened out for air quality here in schools will clearly affect students, public health. 01:52:00 Speaker 3: Kids in general are not patient adults, and kids who are living are going to school in the football fields, like away from the roadway had tripled the risk of developing pediatric asthma as kids were. 01:52:13 Speaker 3: Further away. 01:52:14 Speaker 3: And of course, students who are already. 01:52:17 Speaker 3: Asthmatic and have other respiratory. 01:52:19 Speaker 3: Illnesses get greater risk for missing school and potentially we also know that there are racial inequities in kids, Travis County children of color experience hospitalization. 01:52:20 OK. 01:52:35 Speaker 3: For adamant. 01:52:36 Speaker 3: Double to triple. 01:52:37 Speaker 3: The rate of white children here. 01:52:41 Speaker 3: And Esac is working right now on a letter to the board of trustees around the 95 expansion and would love your support. 01:52:49 Speaker 3: We are calling for the board first up to pass a resolution stating that 麻豆果冻传媒 ISD has concerns about traffic emissions on I-35 border that runs through our city. 01:52:59 Speaker 3: Close to our schools. 01:53:00 Speaker 3: And we want them to suggest that more community conversations based on evidence linking emissions and Children's Health are recommended before we proceed with the expansion. 01:53:13 Speaker 3: In addition to the resolution, we have a few more apps like the board schedule this topic of traffic commissions and a ISD student health as an agenda item or fall 2023 board meeting would also like to see an AIS staff role assigned to monitor and their quality schools. 01:53:33 Speaker 3: Alone. But 535 and a quarter. 01:53:37 Speaker 1: And also like. 01:53:38 Speaker 3: To see a commitment to not build. 01:53:40 Speaker 3: New schools for related facilities. 01:53:42 Speaker 3: Within 500 feet of highways and arterials that carry heavy. 01:53:48 Speaker 3: So that's where we are right now in the process. 01:53:50 Speaker 3: Here's how you can. 01:53:51 Speaker 3: So in the short term, we are still writing this letter and we're hoping to get it lead a final draft by. 01:53:58 Speaker 3: Early day. 01:53:59 Speaker 3: So if you feel like you have something to contribute or like to just get. 01:54:04 Speaker 3: Involved in a more. 01:54:05 Speaker 3: Active way, we would definitely welcome. 01:54:07 Speaker 3: One or two voices from the. 01:54:09 Speaker 3: Shack to help us back to this. 01:54:12 Speaker 3: It will link the chairs with my contact information so you can be shown to me directly. 01:54:17 Speaker 3: If you're interested in participating in. 01:54:19 Speaker 3: This work group. 01:54:20 Speaker 3: The timeline here is we're hoping. 01:54:22 Speaker 3: To vote as the ASAP and our main meeting on the letter, we know that this is the last chat meeting for the year. 01:54:30 Speaker 3: So sending the letter is passed by the exact we'll have a glass the shaft to vote supporting the letter at the first meeting of computer academic year. 01:54:41 Speaker 1: That said, I. 01:54:41 Speaker 3: Know there's like this big gap between now. 01:54:43 Speaker 3: And the new. 01:54:45 Speaker 3: Academic year, so please feel free, even if you're not able to participate in the work group, but you have any thoughts or suggestions on how to raise awareness? 01:54:54 Speaker 3: The districts around this issue again that shows up on my. 01:54:59 Speaker 3: Contact information. I'd love to. 01:55:01 Speaker 3: To discuss further with anybody who is passionate on this topic and has thought that how to communicate it more effectively to parents, guardians and educators. 01:55:12 Speaker 3: Thanks again for your time. 01:55:23 Speaker 1: Very much very aware. 01:55:27 Speaker 1: This this the staff working, you know. 01:55:31 Speaker 1: Welcome to be aware. 01:55:33 Speaker 1: Of the other side of it, because we have to think about 35 meters. 01:55:43 Speaker 1: From outside the city, from parking. 01:56:04 Speaker 1: I mean, there are progressives who are saying wait, you know. 01:56:07 Speaker 1: So the reason you need them before they. 01:56:17 Speaker 1: Go with one side and they are. 01:56:18 Speaker 1: They can be very aware where the need is included. 01:56:21 Speaker 1: Using it and truck drivers and people who like. 01:56:25 Speaker 1: They have to get into the city. 01:56:35 Speaker 2: I think that also be a good point to let them know that they think about those considerations as well. 01:56:40 Speaker 1: So they ask if there are any interested staff members that engage with them. 01:56:47 Speaker 1: And in this letter. 01:56:50 Speaker 1: Please feel free to tell us now or e-mail us because that that's what they're asking. 01:57:12 Speaker 1: It's such a great point. 01:57:14 Speaker 1: Can I? 01:57:18 Speaker 1: I'm sure. 01:57:22 Speaker 1: But I think it's very. 01:57:29 Speaker 1: 35. 01:57:37 Speaker 1: Good morning. 01:57:38 Speaker 1: For jumping on like. 01:57:53 Speaker 1: And then eventually, like everyone suffering. 01:58:05 Speaker 1: I think you have so much stuff to. 01:58:08 Speaker 1: Share with them and to bring back to us and moving forward. 01:58:18 Speaker 1: OK. 01:58:28 Speaker 1: But yeah. 01:58:29 Speaker 1: For that. 01:58:31 Speaker 1: Do you or can I? 01:58:33 Speaker 1: I don't think I can have you. 01:58:36 Speaker 1: OK. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 01:58:44 Speaker 1: But I do. 01:58:53 Speaker 1: Thank you. 01:58:58 Speaker 1: Like next year? 01:59:12 Speaker 1: For implementation or how we could improve? 01:59:16 OK. 01:59:19 Speaker 1: Stephanie will be here. Everything. 01:59:28 Speaker 1: Thanks for next year. 01:59:30 Speaker 1: You know, we don't know what. 01:59:31 Speaker 1: This data, I'm sorry, I'm just really quickly going to ask for one more voting from. 01:59:45 Speaker 1: February and March. 01:59:53 Speaker 1: I went. 01:59:55 Speaker 1: So we have a motion. 01:59:58 Speaker 2: Thank you all in favor. 02:00:07 Speaker 1: Thank you. 02:00:17 Speaker 1: Well, we know we are still. 02:00:22 Speaker 1: And so how do we know if, like we're renominated or if we're, we could show up? 02:00:27 Speaker 1: Can you can you don't hear from us. 02:00:30 Speaker 1: You're clear to go on. 02:00:31 Speaker 1: So I don't think it was a clear Google sheet from where people were you. 02:00:36 Speaker 1: Know when they came on. 02:00:37 Speaker 1: On the website. 02:00:41 Speaker 1: Roll off, allegedly. 02:00:43 Speaker 1: Well, I'm still getting a little bit of. 02:00:46 Speaker 1: And with that, I'm happy for, right. 02:00:48 Speaker 1: So and then before we reach a point you'll hear from. 02:00:53 Speaker 1: OK. 02:00:55 Speaker 1: So keep showing up. 02:01:12 Speaker 1: Thank you. 02:01:21 Speaker 1: Right.