ࡱ> .1-] ) bjbj۷۷ .&\&\$2 2 8  7,,,,$!`,,^,,*R,SeFB07J/"/"R/"RP7/"2 > p:  DATE \@ "MMMM d, yyyy" November 2, 2017 Address Block Dear AISD Supporter, Start Letter with a statement about the school/department/organization EX: Oak Springs Elementary School is an East 鶹ý school with the mission of developing a community of learners who are academically proficient, effective communicators and responsible citizens. Our student population is 65% low-income and students rarely have the opportunity for [purpose of event]. As a local business in our community, we invite you to join us for EVENT TITLE to support the SCHOOL NAME with a REQUESTED ITEM (event sponsorship/in kind donation). The EVENT TITLE will [DESCRIBE PURPOSE OF EVENT AND IMPACT]. The event will be held on DATE AND TIME at LOCATION. Your contribution will assist in offsetting [EXAMPLE: event expenses, which will include transportation and food costs for the student performers and for use of audio/visual equipment]. As a supporter, your business will be recognized in [EVENT COLLATERAL i.e website, signs at event etc}. We hope that ________ will join the SCHOOL NAME community in supporting EVENT TITLE. If you have questions or wish to make a donation, please contact me at NUMBER or at EMAIL. Your support of our students is greatly appreciated. With gratitude, NAME TITLE     ON SCHOOL LETTER HEAD *+,9:?MNO}  $ / 6 7 9 G X i j p { |   龴ȧҔȝ鴊zz *h@h@^J h@^J *hh"^Jh,yh"^J *h,yh"^J *h,y^J h^J *hh^J *hh,y^J *h,yh,y^J h,y^J h\^Jh-c^JmHnHuh"h"^Jjh"h"U^J0,:O V      & ' ( )  dgd$a$gd$a$gd"gd" $ / H S T U V W        & ' ( ) ꭥhuhh6ENjh6ENUh"h} ^J h"^Jh *hh *hh^Jh"h"^Jh"h^J h0J h^J *h@h@^J h@^J!,1h/ =!"#$%  s666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ OJPJQJ_HmH nH sH tH J`J Normal dCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List 6U 6 "0 Hyperlink >*B*phRR "0 Balloon Text dCJOJQJ^JaJN/N "0Balloon Text CharCJOJQJ^JaJB'`!B "0Comment ReferenceCJaJ<2< "0 Comment TextCJaJ:A: "0Comment Text Char@j12@ "0Comment Subject5\F/aF "0Comment Subject Char5\4@r4 0Header  H$6/6 0 Header CharCJaJ4 4 0Footer  H$6/6 0 Footer CharCJaJPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭VvnB`2ǃ,!"E3p#9GQd; H xuv 0F[,F᚜K sO'3w #vfSVbsؠyX p5veuw 1z@ l,i!b I jZ2|9L$Z15xl.(zm${d:\@'23œln$^-@^i?D&|#td!6lġB"&63yy@t!HjpU*yeXry3~{s:FXI O5Y[Y!}S˪.7bd|n]671. tn/w/+[t6}PsںsL. J;̊iN $AI)t2 Lmx:(}\-i*xQCJuWl'QyI@ھ m2DBAR4 w¢naQ`ԲɁ W=0#xBdT/.3-F>bYL%׭˓KK 6HhfPQ=h)GBms]_Ԡ'CZѨys v@c])h7Jهic?FS.NP$ e&\Ӏ+I "'%QÕ@c![paAV.9Hd<ӮHVX*%A{Yr Aբ pxSL9":3U5U NC(p%u@;[d`4)]t#9M4W=P5*f̰lk<_X-C wT%Ժ}B% Y,] A̠&oʰŨ; \lc`|,bUvPK! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsM 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$Q ,.aic21h:qm@RN;d`o7gK(M&$R(.1r'JЊT8V"AȻHu}|$b{P8g/]QAsم(#L[PK-![Content_Types].xmlPK-!֧6 0_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!R%theme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK] ) #####& )  ) *)8@0(  B S  ?    '*    '* ^`OJQJo( 8^8`OJQJo(^`OJQJ^Jo(o  p^ `OJQJo(  @ ^ `OJQJo( x^x`OJQJo(H^H`OJQJ^Jo(o ^`OJQJo( ^`OJQJo( %%} -ciUK6ENAw,y\@u"}@)@UnknownG*Ax Times New Roman5Symbol3. *Cx Arial7.@Calibri5. .[`)Tahoma?= *Cx Courier New;WingdingsA$BCambria Math"1h[[ZE E !r0KQHP  $P"2!xx  Windows UserCynthia G Smith Oh+'0x  ( 4 @ LX`hpWindows UserNormalCynthia G Smith2Microsoft Office Word@F#@bI@oS@oSE՜.+,0 hp   鶹ý ISD   Title  !"#$&'()*+,/03Root Entry F0CS21Table ?"WordDocument .SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8%MsoDataStoreSSE0W0LCUWAA3M==2SSItem PropertiesUCompObj r   F Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q