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Meeting Discussion: Raul Sanchez discussed meeting outcomes and timeline. Joann Taylor from the office of Educator Quality shared information about the process for submitting a request to TEAannually to use thePPfT appraisal. Discussed 21.351, 21.352. 21.353, 21.354 regarding teacher appraisal system. Enrique Trejo motioned to not include this exemption. Amir Emamian seconded. Motion was approved. These exemptions will not be included in the plan. Discussed 25.082 regarding length of school day. Enrique Trejo motioned to include exemption. Arthur Thompson seconded. Motion was approved. This exemption will be included in the plan. Discussed 25.083 regarding school day interruptions. It was discussed this could allow students to be pulled for interventions more frequently. However, all students should receive electives and access to the curriculum. It was also asked if we could exempt from only one part about the interruptions, but members asked to keep the limit on interruptions because it can be intrusive. Mario Pina moved to not include exemption. Juan Pablo Martinez seconded the motion. The motion was approved. This exemption will not be included in the plan. Discussed 25.084 regarding year round school. Members questioned whether we needed to include this waiver because we can already do this. However, it was pointed out that the law reads for the district, but with an exemption, a campus could apply. Committee expressed a strong desire that a clear process be implemented so that just a few people on a campus cannot push through a plan that does not have wide support. Claudia Torres moved to include exemption in the plan. Angela Salas seconded the motion. The motion was approved. One nay vote. The motion was approved. This exemption will be included in the plan. Discussed 25.092 regarding minimum attendance for class credit. Committee members discussed that an exemption could support blended learning. Also, students who are out for illnesses can be impacted by the 90% rule, and an exemption could help them out. A concern was expressed about the impact this could have on chronic absenteeism since now it is part of the accountability system. The committee also discussed that many modern work environments focus on results and not the time you work. Teaching skills of self-monitoring is important and this exemption could allow for this. Have to be cautious not to funnel kids into an online environment because it could be seen as easier where students should be working collaborative and communicating with each other. Choni Hajibahsi motioned to include exemption with limitation of requiring a campus to have a comprehensive attendance plan to account for truancy, appeals for credit, and how campuses will use this exemption for innovative practices. Mike Cranor seconded the motion. The motion was approved. This exemption will be included in the plan. Committee discussed that the plan should include provision that exemptions should be pulled back from campuses if it is being abused or not showing positive impact. Discussed 25.111 regarding student teacher ratios. This could support innovative learning models where a master teacher has more students on their record but only sees some students at a time while other students are with an aide or with a computer. Committee member asked if we could organize an advisory council to discuss the implementation? Another committee member said this could be dangerous territory because teachers could get very upset with this exemption. The district is also having a tough time hiring aides so we probably could not hire everyone needed to use this exemption for innovative ideas. Ken Zarafis motioned to exclude this exemption. Angela Woods seconded. Mike Cranor moved to amend that we allow this exemption for blended learning only and in non-core classes. Jarrad Toussant voted to seconded the motion. Amendment was withdrawn. Motion was approved without amendment. This exemption will not be included in the plan. Discussed 25.112 regarding class size. It was shared that this could support blended learning. It was discussed that centers already exist. Amir Emamian motioned to exclude. Mario Pina seconded. Motion was approved. Two nay votes. This exemption will not be included in the plan. Discussed 25.113 regarding notice of class size. Mario Pina voted to not include in plan. Edward Doan seconded. Motion was approved. This exemption will not be included in the plan. Discussed 25.114 regarding student/teacher ratio in PE classes. Arthur Thompson motion to not include in the plan. Ken Zarafis seconded. Motion was approved. This exemption will not be included in the plan. Discussed 37.0012 regarding of designation of campus behavior coordinator. Enrique Trejo moved to not include in the plan. Amir Emamian seconded. Motion was approved. This exemption will not be included in the plan. Future Agenda Items: The committee will review the draft plan and provide input on the process for campuses to apply for exemptions. Future Meetings Time/Place: Wednesday, February 22 at Baker from 5:30-8:00. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m )*+6AGHIJKLMNOPQź{n_PnAnhjeL5@CJ\^JaJhjeL5@CJ\^JaJhjeL5@CJ\^JaJhjeL5CJ\^JaJh-oy5CJ\^JaJhjeL5@CJ\^JaJh`B5CJ\^JaJhjeLCJ^JaJhhhhujhjeLhjeLUhjeLCJ(^JaJ(h5CJ(\^JaJ(hjeLCJOJPJQJaJjhjeLUmHnHuhjeLCJ aJ *H_qrstwmmX$d]^a$gdjeL d8gdjeL d~gdjeL$  d] ^ a$gdjeL$ jZd] ^j`Za$gdh$ $d] ^`$a$gdh$\d]\^a$gdjeLb d]^b gdjeL d gdjeL QRTUVWXYZ[\]^_dpqrtuwxy乨䞑~sk\O\@hjeL5>*@\^JwhhjeL5>*\^JwhhjeL5>*@\^JwhhjeLCJaJhjeLhjeLCJ aJ hjeL^Jh`B5CJ\^JaJhwL5CJ\^JaJhjeLCJ^JaJ hjeL5@CJRHc\^JaJhjeL5@CJ\^JaJh-oy5CJ\^JaJhjeL5@CJ\^JaJhjeL5CJ\^JaJhjeL5@CJ\^JaJyz{|}~   $ 2 P ^ 㿴ysmgsymymysgamgmg ha^J hu}^J hj^J h+I^J h>h^JhF"hjeL>*^Jwh hF"hjeLhF"hjeL^JhF"hjeL5>*\^JwhhjeLCJaJhjeLhjeLCJ aJ hjeL^JhjeL5>*@\^JwhhjeL5>*@\^JwhhjeL5>*\^JwhhjeL5>*@\^Jwh& 4 5 K d8gdh d~ gdh ]gdh ]gdh d$gdhd]gdh d8gdjeL d gdjeL  0 3 4 5 I J K O P a ~ ¼~uhhF"hf>*^JwhhF"hF8^JhF8hF8^J hCiR^J h3g^J h`B^J hwL^J ha^J hF8>*^JhF8hF8>*^J hjeL^J hF8^J h-oy^JhF"hF"^JhF"hjeL>*^Jwh hF"hjeLhF"hjeL^J hu}^J hj^J h>h^J$    ) * , - b c d e M U [ a c  " H R p /%*U^gt%&ſ|xxxxtttxhxhh^hj h`B^J hq^Jh3h3B*PJphh3B*PJphhXlh`BhCiRh{ hjeL@2^J hjeL^JhF"h>*^JwhhF"hZY>*^JwhhwLhwL^Jwhhj^JwhhF"hs]^Jwh-   , - d e &'vw dgdh d$gdhd]gdh&m(*4eHuvwR<wx #+Fbgo&+PUs$CtMNOPQWXZ[_ĺhh>*@^Jwhhh>*^Jwhh$h^^J hhs5h=lhs5huhSihDheyhjh3, h^&rhBdhxDuvNO"#Rgdh dB gdh F]Fgdh d$gdh d]gdh dgdh _`abex  !"#$%&'()*+,/01234567ղ|||tldld\hh@^Jhh@^Jhh@^Jhh@2^Jhh>*@^Jwhhh>*^JwhhjeLhhCJaJ hEu^J hh^JhJhJ^J h#r^JhJhh^JhJhh>*^Jwh hjeLhh hj^J hJ^J hh^Jhh>*ɳh>*^ɳ$789:;<=>?@ABCHIMNOQR¼he' h#r^JhX@^Jhh@^Jh3#@^Jhh@^J hh^Jhh@^Jhh@^Jhh@^J21h:ph/ =!F"#$% 9Dd 8V  S 2A?Picture 1R92,O)5kWXM8DF82,O)5kWXMJFIF``C     C   x" }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ?S(((((((((((((((((((((((((1\~)xG_HKr{x;o» W|V|_tӵgfՅ_iJ~ϛxc'4/zޟ \NVG#8dVO7.ui,[W%}Q,~Gg^"i2=Μ):XzbyǖGUl'$})s@#A5ET:vu]}kgH7EJvڕ!N3PϦckψ56M)̭#_|7vZ8ӯ"YU27CWMj2]M%Ҷ&;6?_%_|J2'C|C3lJ,yy#袊?@ ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (WouK}'[e~&O_dޡdL2SXV命ҡ.ho~:/>"7lMfI>EkDݷ KwV28CW5*x _߳&o_ i+tveFk vlީ*ȽG2>fֺt\_(xk݉f(((((((((((((((((((2: '&woj/_Y5OClO'~uy;;oڊ*bj-0y|}s ^Cs.?J ~^4gCoj>'}yDߊV-ׂQXBszجKb!~x x^co2.ѭ/muھ^EkWI_\OdO*Imҧ9]܊&x_(ݱGjF4%mV,w5Z{o5%fDh"@R|^Zgaƞ>cbuvcXҵOAfu 6~춓O*+-*_Ÿ{Ǟ(5ɇ4xظUf_+u}?1KׂR-Ŝl_u %k_ Ymhw>LaSQ75PN?9 aqÒ'Z8"ߊ^ ҼK1A?F+d~؎g S,pkύo^׵Ӵ`mˣ6~Uatf#|@gþc$(>>䵅j >B-x^j! 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