What is the Tie Ceremony at Gus Garcia YMLA?

Student holding tie

Gus Garcia Young Men's Leadership Academy held their annual Tie Ceremony where students learn how to properly wear their school uniform. Staff, seventh- and eighth-graders worked with sixth-graders to ensure students feel successful walking into school each day with a perfectly tied tie.

"Working with social and emotional learning, I think the word 'brotherhood' encompasses all of that: taking care of one and each other. You heard a couple of our students say, it means that 'when a student's in trouble, I'm going to be that active voice for them. If I see something that's not right, I'm going to be that active voice.' It's something that we hope carries out into the community and into their life experiences that sets up a good example for them," said Jose Mejia, Principal at Gus Garcia YMLA.

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