Blazier Intermediate Holds Virtual Grand Opening


Blazier Intermediate School virtually celebrated its new modernization grand opening on Friday, Dec. 4. 

“This is an exciting milestone for our community,” said Superintendent Stephanie S. Elizalde. “The new Blazier Intermediate site is the culmination of years of hard work and planning by so many. I am so proud of our community and this historic moment for our district and our students.”

The modernization plans came from the 2017 Bond program that has funded other projects, including Govalle, Hill, Menchaca, Brown, Rosedale and more.

Blazier's new modernized school will teach grades four, five and six.

New furniture and flexible learning spaces allow students and staff to work in various classroom settings suited for different styles of learning. Features like movable walls and adjustable furniture lend themselves to students using their creative and problem-solving skill sets in the classroom.

In addition, Blazier's new outdoor learning spaces allow students to learn beyond the walls of the school in a relaxing setting. 

“It is amazing to see how my teachers and staff engage with the students in this new building,” Principal Leti Pena said. “They already have the modern skills and are innovative in their teaching styles, and this building brings even more into their teaching.”

For more information on modernization projects, please visit .