Anderson HS Student Selected to Serve on National College Board

A junior at Anderson High School has been selected as one of only five students in the nation to join the College Board鈥檚 Advisory Panel on Student Opportunity.

Anderson student Lucy Tiblier will represent her campus, district and state as one of only 16 students who serve on the advisory panel. Only 16 students serve at a time but, because each position is a three-year commitment, the panel takes only five new students each year.

Earlier this month, Tiblier was notified that she was one of the candidates selected to serve.

"It is such an honor to have Lucy represent her peers by serving on the College Board Student Advisory Panel. She will add an important student voice to the discussions about changes in the SAT and PSAT exams, among other issues," said Anderson High School Principal Donna Houser. "We are very proud of this wonderful recognition of her hard work and academic focus."

The 16-member panel, made up both of high school and college students from a variety of backgrounds, meets three times a year. In addition, after their first year, students may also serve on another College Board Committee or Council, ensuring that students' voices are present in all College Board's deliberations. Meetings are held in New York City or Reston, Va., and all travel and lodging expenses are paid by the College Board. Continued membership is contingent on active participation.

Tiblier is in the IB Diploma Program at Anderson, where she is active in UIL speech and debate and is the Foreign Extemp Officer. Tiblier is on the cross country and track and field teams at her campus. Last year, she also represented Anderson at the Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Conference, which provides lifelong leadership development opportunities that empower youth to achieve their highest potential.

Students have served as members of the national advisory structure of the College Board since 1978.