From Ecosystems to Food Webs, Covington Students Dig Into Science

From ecosystems to food webs to adaptations of organisms, Covington students are 'digging in' to science.

Last fall, Covington Middle School received a grant from the National Wildlife Federation to create a native plant and animal habitat. The funds allowed the campus to expand student’s learning and awareness in a completely different educational way. 

Covington students created a habitat plan which includes butterflies, birds, hummingbirds, native grass, cacti gardens, an animal tracking station and a garden. The campus also was granted permission to change one of the offered electives to “Native Plants and Animals.” The new class offers students the opportunity to create, plant and maintain the habit. Students also learn about the relationship between plants and animals and the role humans play in maintaining the ecosystems around us.

The native elective also recently partnered with Keep 鶹ý Beautiful, 鶹ý Parks and Wildlife, National Wildlife Federation and Texas Parks and Wildlife. These organizations visit the Covington campus several times a month to work alongside students and provide lessons about erosion, deposition, differences in soil, planting days, responsibilities of park rangers, creating worm bins, among other topics. The class is led by teachers from the science department and lessons are structured to support TEKS taught in science classes.

Kudos to Covington staff and students for growing in new ways!