Facilities Master Plan Update

AISD Superintendent Dr. Meria Carstarphen recently unveiled plans to ensure that principals, teachers, staff, parents, and community stakeholders are kept informed of the progress of district administration as they make a recommendation for a Facility Master Plan (FMP).

On September 12, 2011, Dr. Carstarphen updated the Board of Trustees on the process for developing an Administrative Recommendation for a Facility Master Plan. She presented the academic expectations and operational needs that shape the FMP process and how it informs the following year's Annual Facilities Recommendations. On September 26, she presented the recommendation to the Board of Trustees, and they are scheduled to vote on the FMP framework on November 21. Voting for the Annual Facilities Recommendations for the 2012-2013 school year is set for December 12. After receiving Board approval on these recommendations, district administration would begin planning the implementation for the next school year.

The ultimate outcome of the FMP is to maximize academic achievement and graduation rates. In other words, the Facility Master Plan is a framework used to make future decisions about district facilities to support academic success for all of the students across the district.

Learn more about AISD's Facility Master Plan at